


Reviewing reveled cards of “Rise Of Shadows” (Until 3/15)

This page is reviewing reveled cards of "Rise Of Shadows" .





 These cards is reveled with trailer. 

 I evaluate these with 4 stars as most people do.

★★★★ Very strong cards. We'll adopt many decks it.

★★★☆ Strong cards. We'll adopt some decks absolutely.

★★☆☆ ordinary cards. We may see in lanked match.

★☆☆☆ Weak cards. We won't use these card...


For example,in Boomsday Project’s neutral cards,

★★★★ Zilliax

★★★☆ Toxicologist

★★☆☆ Electrowright

★☆☆☆ Holomancer.


  • Arch-Villain Rafaam



7/7/8!?  This card has so high stats!

 Its effect is also so strong. There are many legends with high card power and stats nowadays, and simple misses I know in standard are only Millhouse Manastorm and Blackhowl Gunspire.

 Although we may be able to adopt it into Control Warlock, it loses too many useful cards, for example, Skull of the Man'ari, Voidlord, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, Bloodreaver Gul'dan. I wonder whether the archetype of Control Warlock remains.

 It depens on upcoming cards whether we adopt it into Zoo. By arranging the deck more heavily, we can use it as a sort late game tool. However, it has no synergies. If many strong cards for Zoo are added, we won't adopt it.

 we can also use it as a combo with Hakkar, the Soulflayer. It is strong if we turn many Cursed Blood into legend minoins, however, 3 damages from Cursed Blood is not trivial for Warlock... 


  • Forbidden Words



 Priest can destroy minions with attack 4!?

 Although this card is more powerful than ever “forbidden” cards, it is inferior to Shadow Word: Horror and to Shadow Word: Death unless we destroy minions attack less than 2 and 4. You may say to it is enough flexible to use like Horror and Death according to situation, but I wonder the “forbidden” card is flexible.

 Considering the adoptation rate of Shadow Words, even if we adopt it, I think we won't adopt twice.


  • EVIL Miscreant



 There are no obvious misses in the Lackeys we can get by this card. Moreover, Kobold Lackey is particularly strong. it has synergy Spirit of the Shark because its effect is Combo, Lackeys' effects are Battlecry. Lackeys are 1 mana, so they are useful to establish Combo. we may be able to adopt it in Pirates Rogue and Miracle Rogue as well as in Tempo Rogue with Spirit of the Shark.

 The weakness of it is weak stats, 3/1/5 and to give tempo loss because of this Combo, but I think Lackeys will solve tempo loss.




 We adopt this card as an AOE, however, it is not strong compared with Volcano and Lightning Storm. it is draw source, for example, Far Sight, Mana Tide Totem and Acolyte of Pain we want to get first in Control Shaman, not it. 

 Moreover, it is so weak card in the turn when we draw it. it is difficult to destroy big minion Volcano can destroy easily by using it.

 It is unuseful when this card is added from Hagatha’s helo power. Is this really Hagatha’s Scheme?


  • The Forest’s Aid



  This spell, which summon many token, remind us of Stand Against Darkness. Although  AOEs destroy all tokens, we can use twice owing to twinspell and many classes lose AOE, such as Phychic Scream and Deathstalker Rexxer. It has many synergy, Token like Savage Roar and Treants like Mulchmuncher

 The problem is whether Druid can afford to use this. Wild Growth and Nourish are NERFed, Ultimate Infestatin, Spreading Plague, Branching Paths, Lesser Jasper Spellstone and Malfurion the Pestilent are lost. Because I think it is difficult, I gave this evaluation, however, it has more power than evaluation considering the card power only.


  • Chef Nomi



 It is only Twisting Nether and Deathwing which can completely deal with 6/6 7 minions (Mass Hysteria can almost deal). The effect is so strong.

 However, it is difficult to satisfy the effect's requirement. It is useless unless we use Myra's Unstable Element.

 Although Rogue can use this effect 6 turn as fast as possible, we can only 1 Chef Nomi and Myra's Unstable Element. So I think it is not practical. 

 However, even if we adopt it in Tempo Rogue or MIracle Rogue, deck is not distorted. Some people may adopt this.


  • Kalecgos



 he can’t entet until we can use Spiteful Summoner in Standard. We can adopt this card into Control Mage.

 Although the player discovered Flamestrike naturally in Trailer, we won't be able to discover good cards easily. So we useit with Flamestrike and Blizzard in the hand, like Arcane Tyrant. It is exellent as a Soft Taunt later.

 Coin + Kalecgos is taboo. Be careful.


  • Spellward Jeweler 



 Althought this card is said it can protect hero during 1turn in Trailer, it can't protect minions' attack, some damage spells not targeting, such as Mind Blast and Cheap Shot, and extra win from Mecha'thun. 3/3/4 stats is also needless, so we have to regared it as degration of Time Out!. it may be effectively against burn deck, however, it iprotect only 1 turn, so we have to restore or beat opponent. There are few situation it is active and it has no synergy. I think it is weak even if it has good stats.

 I think the most active situation is agaminst OTK in OTK deck. I'm not confident to enjoy such Meta...



  We may be able to adopt it Tess Rogue as well as Hopper Rogue

1. It can copy our opponent's card.

2. It can copy many cards by using 1 card.

 It is resemble to Gang Up. It is not the card to expect draw from deck top, and we will keep it many turns in our hand. So upgrade problem like Hagatha’s scheme is nothing.

 In Hopper Rogue, Zilliax is one of the cards we want copy. Because Zilliax is adopted in many decks and keep in boards because of Divine Shield, it is easy to copy Zilliax by it. In Tess Rogue, we may get copies of opponent's OP card.

 Lost of Valeera the Hollow makes Lab Recruiter's loop difficult. But it may help the lost.